Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Be Instant In Season and Out of Season

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
(2Ti 4:2)

Mike, what have you been studying lately? What has the Lord been showing you? What’s God been doing in your life? I have a good friend in Nashville that used to ask me these types of questions frequently. This type of accountability was very beneficial to me. Sometimes these questions were hard to answer. Yet, they just provided more reasons to concentrate on the things of the Lord. I miss David’s encouragement and admiration. David’s eyes are growing dim. While many would take this as an opportunity to stop reading, this has had the opposite effect on David. Knowing that his eyesight is quickly deteriorating, his has committed himself to memorizing as much scripture as he possibly can while he still has his sight. David and I were in the same Toastmasters club in Nashville. I remember distinctly his reciting of several chapters of I Corinthians. He rarely used notes, and most all his speeches were substantive, meaning that they brought some sort of scriptural admonition to his hearers. David knew how to take what he read and apply it to real life.

David lives out the command in 2 Timothy 4:2. By his lifestyle, he encourages others to do the same. So, reader, tell me about what you’ve been studying lately in the Bible. Do you have an answer?

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