Monday, July 27, 2009

The Simplicity of the Gospel

I was in a meeting recently where the participants were holding up the ideal of simplicity. Simplicity has its place, though we should be careful not to idolize it above all other virtues. For we read in the scripture:

How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
(Pro 1:22)

Yet, when it comes to delivering a message to God's people, nothing is better than the simplicity offered in the Gospel. I'm currently reading Charles Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students. I can't get through the chapter on "Sermons - Their Matter" without having to stop and comment.

Consider Spurgeon's thoughts on simplicity and the Gospel.

We must throw all our strength of judgment, memory, imagination, and eloquence into the delivery of the gospel; and not give to the preaching of the cross our random thoughts while wayside topics engross our deeper meditations. Depend upon it, if we brought the intellect of a Locke or a Newton, and the eloquence of a Cicero, to bear upon the simple doctrine of 'believe and live,' we should find no surplus strength. Brethern, first and above all things, keep to plain evangelical doctrines: whatever else you do or do not preach, be sure incessantly to bring forth the soul-saving truth of Christ and him crucified.

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