Friday, October 23, 2009

Priorities of a Church

A friend of mine posted a thought provoking blog entry regarding the priorities of a church, and just what the responsibilities of the church should be. Though he is asking for details, I believe a general principle can guide all our responses. The church should prioritize its responsibilities as follow:

1. Duty toward God
2. Duty toward members (of both the local church and the church universal)
3. Duty toward the lost

So then, worship is the primary responsibility. Included in that is the preaching of the Word, prayer, singing. As a natural consequence, the building up of the body encourages the worship of God. Finally, evangelizing the lost is the means whereby God adds souls to the body. Keeping these priorities in mind should help to answer the question of the details. By the way, these priorities similarly apply to other spheres of government as well, keeping God as the top priorities, but the other responsibilities vary according to the people involved.

For your reference, here is a link to my friend's post: Click Here.

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